Saturday, January 19, 2008

An insult to our democracy

I think it was a great idea to give the Mountain West and the Latino vote more prominence in the nomination process in the Democratic Party. To do it this way is clearly a disaster:

  • The party is unprepared and overwhelmed by the turnout.
  • Inadequate training: the caucus chair on CNN asked for somebody who could speak Spanish. You're on the Vegas strip, and you didn't think that would come in handy? These structure was not ready.
  • The at-large caucuses designed to make the votes of some people "more equal" than others'.
  • Allegations of union intimidation and suppression concerning this public forum from mainstream media that won't go away, no matter what the attacks launched from Team Obama.
  • A schedule that excludes Nevada's observant Jews.
  • A fixed, inflexible time that doesn't work for many citizens.

These things are an abomination. And a "victory" in Nevada shouldn't count for much more than the one in Michigan.
(Please note that I wrote this just as the doors closed, before results came in.)

UPDATE: Hillary won the state 51-45%. But because rural voices count for more than urban voices (like in the Electoral College), Obama may possibly get 13 of the Nevada delegates up for grabs, to Hillary's 12. This is far from guaranteed, as is pointed out by the Chair of the Nevada Democratic Party. Either way, this system is broken.

Oh, and I'm watching CNN, and Conservative slanderer/commentator Bill Bennett is desperately pushing any attack angle on Hillary he can think of while ignoring Obama. Hm.

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