Wednesday, July 15, 2009

RGA: Baker doesn't need your help

Proving how little national Republicans understand Massachusetts, Nick Ayers, the Executive Director of the Republican Governors' Association offers this assessment of Charlie Baker:

My belief is that a well-run governor’s race isn’t overtly partisan as much as it is about hiring the right CEO. And that’s especially true of the Northeast, where there’s more big business and people are very familiar with the roles of CEOs. We think if we can field better candidates who fit the job description of CEO and deal with a budget situation, that we’ll have a great opportunity in places like New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and even Maine.

A great example of that is a candidate who announced last week, Charlie Baker in Massachusetts. He’s a CEO of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, has done a lot of nonprofit work in the healthcare, and is a brilliant business man and someone who I believe can cut beyond party and racial lines and say, “I’m willing to bring my experience from the private sector to help solve Massachusetts’ budget issues.” I think Charlie is the kind of ideal candidate that we’ve been looking for. We spent five months recruiting him, so we were very excited to see him get in the race there.

Basically, the strategy is to tell people he'd be another Dubya or Mitt Romney.

I'd love it if Baker took this advice, but I think he's more attuned to voters' suspicion of CEOs this day than our friend in DC apparently is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for this great information

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