Friday, November 14, 2008

One Year

Today marks one year since this blog's melodically named inaugural post "Hollywood to 10% of America: Go Screw" appeared. Since then, we've been through elections north and south of the 49th parallel, some bitter primary fights, two seasons of Project Runway -- only one of which merited blogging -- the Olympic Games, and a jump out of an airplane. As long as the world is spinning, there'll be reason to blog. It's the online equivalent of talking to yourself a little too loudly in the hope that people around you will be impressed by what you're saying. And i'm not good at shutting up.

A big thanks to regular readers, including commentators noternie, Ryan, the whole gang over at Blue Mass Group, and even dear ol' Peter Porcupine, who I hope lowers his quills after nutjob reactionaries stop targeting him for being frequently reasonable and lucid.

To all my readers, thanks for the interest, and maybe even loyalty. Much love.


Anonymous said...

"It's the online equivalent of talking to yourself a little too loudly in the hope that people around you will be impressed by what you're saying."


Ryan said...

one year already?

wow. I remember the first post.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Long may your virtual Mongol conclave prosper!

noternie said...

congrats on the anniversary. your one of three individual bloggers i check everday. and one of only two that aren't me.